Friday, September 28, 2012

Slow Progress for Unemployment, Yet Hope for Obama.

No more than a few days ago, The Washington Post ran an article hinting at some positive news for President Obama. With the unemployment rate still remaining above eight percent, the economic recovery of our country is moving at what feels to be a snail-like pace. According to Obama advisers however, A "positive trend line," is where the hopes of Obama and his voters rest for this upcoming election. "We're not there yet," acknowledges an ad that Obama ran earlier this month in regards to private sector job growth. On behalf of us all, Mr. Obama, lets hope we get there.

FULL ARTICLE: Hopeful Signs For Obama


  1. I think with the election not too far away, Obama should do more than just acknowledge that we are not there yet. People want to actually know how are things going to get better and what can he promise to make that change. You mentioned the economy is moving at a snail-like pace, which to some might not be enough, but I think shows progress that something was actually done. I think that all Obama needs to succeed, is to be more clear and open about issues like unemployment, so that people are more aware.

  2. I agree Amani. Both major candidates seem to be short on specifics relating to unemployment.

    As to the original post, the economy is certainly slowly headed in the right direction, but many smart folks seem to think that this is the new "normal" when it comes to recoveries after recessions. So far, this has been one of those "jobless recoveries" that have occurred in the past few recessions; each successive recovery involving fewer and fewer jobs being created.

    - Benjamin Eastman

    1. At the moment President Obama has a plan called "the American Jobs Act". In the act he proposes tax cuts and incentives he and his administration believe will stimulate job creation. The problem is the plan does not say how he will go about implementing this plan except to say he "...will call on his joint committee to come up with additional deficit reduction necessary to pay for the Act..." So unfortunately although I would like to give you more insight as to how Obama's plan will work that information is not yet available.
